The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Snow business

Imagine that on the snowy path to the right of the yew tree there is a black and white collie posing for the camera. That was how I imagined it. But Gus was hiding behind me, refusing to be persuaded to be photographed in the right place, or any place.

We were on top of Arnside Knott, sleety snow was still falling, and visibility was a little restricted. Gus was more nervous than usual at the prospect of being separated, worried perhaps that he might lose me in the mist.

Oddly the mist was only on the north and west sides of the Knott, and there was more snow there too. That scuppered plans for the Gus photo shoot on the south side, but doubtless he would have been no more cooperative there anyway.

I worked at home today with the two lads happily snoring on either side of me. Meanwhile, the third lad slumbered quietly in the fridge.

I may be a bit comment-light today. I have been off colour this last two days, and will try and get a very early night.

A year ago: an asteroid at Halfmoon Bay

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