Feeding themselves!

Yes, 10 months and 1 week old and they are feeding themselves. They need a little help to eat it all but they are doing so well, Julia is proving to be quite an amazing Mummy. She's wanted to be a Mummy since she was about 3 years old.
They, and Julia, have come to our house this evening and will be with us until Sunday afternoon when we have F.M.i.L's birthday Sunday Lunch. We've got a rack of lamb, which the butcher 'French dressed' for us, but I'll also do a large chicken and a ham so that there's plenty for all of the carnivores, which is all of us apart from Lennon (although he does like chicken and other meat that doesn't look like meat!).
Betty will be 91 on Monday by the way but we always celebrate on the Sunday so we can all be there.

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