love pink...


and so began my love affair - with these - of various kinds of pink pearls... necklaces, rings, earings... over the years - i developed quite a collection - giving some away - keeping some - getting more... it cycles, you see - i now have only a handful left of the ones i consider to be my very favorites...

this necklace, the one to blame for inception - seen at an antique show... many moons ago - i noticed the paper tag stamped with dubarry - knew my grandmother had some jewelry with the name... so i bought the pearls - i had, still don't, no idea if they had any value really... they aren't real pearls - yet they came in a cute heart-shaped box i believe to be the original - in doing a tiny bit of research, i found that dubarry always marked their jewelry with this paper tag - it was their trademark so to speak... there is a rumor that goldette might have made jewelry for them - but goldette is only another name i recognize, i know nothing about them either... i think dubarry went out of business around the late 1960's...

in the end, though, for me - it all has nothing to do with value or resale revenue or anything like that... it brings about a memory for me - the one of standing in this big antique market, with swirls of people jarring me... holding this necklace - thinking about and remembering grandma - her astonishing jewelry collection - knowing that's what motivated me to purchase these pearls - and through the years - have given me many...


happy day.....

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