Life through the lens...

By ValC


Baking this Swiss Roll this afternoon brought back so many happy memories of my mum.
Still using her old and battered Be-Ro cookery book as you can see.
She always made this for the base of her trifle, and I have done the same ever since.
Many people have said they are difficult to make, but as I have baked them from being a girl I never realised this, and for me they are easy.

The book is a 12th edition. I think from the 1930’s. which is when mum got married.
Still being printed today, and now on it’s 41st edition.
Arguably one of the best-selling cookery books ever. Sold more than thirty eight million copies.

Love the piece at the bottom of this page.


Doris was always asking mother questions.
“ Why do we do this?” and. “ Why do we do that?” until finally mother told Doris to read the BE-RO Recipe Book . That’s why this budding housewife knows such a lot about home baking.

May be it would be a good idea to give a copy to each child before they leave school!

Advent Christmas Cracker Joke No.11

I took the shell off my racing snail, thinking it would go faster.
If anything it made him more sluggish.

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