
You may know the title track of this record: Our Day Will Come - Ruby and The Romantics, possibly because of this lassie; Amy Winehouse. Annoyingly I can only find the 'Lioness' version of Amy's version which is not as good as her 'original' version, some prick (probably Mark Ronson), swathed the last few repititions with Christine Aguilera style pishy annoying vocal riffs and licks that were quite rightly excluded (in my opinion) from the album version.

So, anyway; back to the actual artists that created this (well, I obviously don't mean the writers [who were the ones that [i]really[/i] did the creating, just the original performers). Ruby and The Romantics. The album 'Our Day Will Come' is absolutely gorgeous. The whole thing. But that track, it reminds me of a kinda Samba De Una Nota So (one note samba), pretty common but dreamy, beautiful standard of Brazilian style jazz stuff.

Never said I was a scholar...

Anyhoo, how did I find this beautiful shit?


A movie called Smoke. Don't look at the DVD image on IMDB, makes the film look uber shit. It's a great film and the track is pretty incidental but I caught it and am thankful.

Who should we really thank?

In this instance, I thank my mate Paul for recommending the film.

In the original instance, we should thank Bob Hilliard and Mort Garson for giving us this treat.

Well, I will. I know they're just some faceless cunts like me. I know their hearts though. Maybe one day I'll do this for someone else. Don't need no fame, no riches, just an effect.

But, having kids gives us all that. Do we just let go?...

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