
It's freezing!!! Minus five this morning when I got in the car! And having just checked the weather forecast I'm quite preturbed to see that the high today is going to be minus one!!
It's best just to stay in the warm I think, drinking tea and watching Peppa Pig.
We had a very pointless trip to the doctor this morning with Miss L. He asked how our Paediatrician appointment had gone. We hadn't had one because we hadn't had the referral letter. Annoying!
So he's given us a password to call and book an appointment but he hasn't given us the telephone number or our reference number. Annoying.
I did have a funny conversation in the car with Miss E this morning. She was singing a funny song about fruit flies (because I'd greeted them this morning with "Good morning my little fruit flies!" Don't ask me why!!!!)
I asked her if it was a song she'd learnt at school or whether she'd just made it up.
She replied "You know that secret passageway in my wardrobe?"
Er, what?!!!!
"I learnt it there. But I can only tell my family about it otherwise the passageway will disappear and I won't be able to go there any more"
Of course!
She was so matter of fact about it!!
I'm feeling a lot better today. My cold seems to have been short lived (Lempsip Max with added menthol is miraculous stuff!) and my neck has loosened up massively.
Almost back to normal!

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