
The first half of December was busy, with Whatcom Chorale's "Messiah" concert, a new refrigerator arriving and our old one going to a friend, and a day out with my daughter, as well as the usual holiday shopping and preparations.

The second half has been quieter than usual, as despite having both flu shots for this season, I came down with the flu. It would be much worse had I not had the immunizations, but it's still a nuisance, with chills, sore throat, and fatigue. I miss singing in my church choir and my Silver Sneakers exercise classes at the Y, but I'm very grateful that it's not something more serious. 

Your journals have given me pleasure in this enforced quiet time -- thank you!

(The link in the first paragraph should take you to a YouTube video of our concert. I'm in the front row of the choristers, mostly blocked by our wonderful conductor's conducting!)

Blip 2038

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