It's a wrap

Berry had two good walks today, one with me, one with LH. During both she got pretty muddy but this was after her adventures with LH which resulted in a good wash and then a snuggle on the sofa (not my idea ...). She was a bit shivery so LH gave her gold star treatment!

LH did the round trip to Manchester Airport for his brother and niece. They'll be somewhere between Doha and Auckland on a 15hr flight as I write this.

I pithered around in Church Stretton (not as busy as I'd thought it would be) finding little bits for an old gent's stocking (Dad asked if he was getting one rather plaintively!). It's been quite a challenge, particularly as he's not eating that much at the moment. Ho hum.

More bed changing and washing. I'd never hack it as a B&B owner. Carols from Kings (twice) which had a superb treble soloist. And off to Midnight Mass with Dad later.

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