Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Cyber Overlook

Partway up the trail this “cyber spot”  is where we used to have to come to get the internet from Saltspring Island, seen across Trincomali channel.    It’s the BC Hydro station down there sending high voltage wires under water to SS.(coming from the mainland)   and our neighbor’s field where he is about to burn this big pile.  (we have a smaller one waiting for some day this week….the new year bonfire.)

Quiet day…still recovering…our own internet (up the tree now) disappeared when some of this crew really wanted to watch the Seahawks tonight.   Had it on the radio until I figured out I could get it on a phone app with the phone data.  Saved the day! (I didn’t know I could do that!)  

Extra: the last frustrating minute of the game watching the Seahawks barely lose on the phone...

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