Portrait in Low Key...

...and totally outside my comfort zone! My "model" was in high spirits today--that's a nice way of saying she was pretty wound up!  She did NOT want to pose for me, so I had to promise to play one game of Chutes and Ladders, two games of Candy Land and one game of Match if she'd try to sit still for 10 minutes. Even with the promise of the games it wasn't easy, as everything I'd ask her to do she'd do with great gusto!! Could you sit here in this chair?.....JUMPS onto chair. Could you try crossing your arms?.....crosses them over her head and waves them around. Could you look up at me?....crosses her eyes and laughs! It was an exercise in patience...for both of us! Haha! This is one of the few I liked out of about a million that I took. I put the colored version in the extras, as I'm determined to use the extras up!  Thanks to Carolina for hosting MonoMondays the month of December and for the great themes. :))

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