My Best Efforts - Year 3


Getting even Thicker........

...............after several nights of below freezing temperatures and no real thaw during the day, the ice on plants is building up. I had a glorious ride out this morning - taking one of my "ladies" to her Dentist some 15 miles away - through a couple of very pretty villages. On the way back, I asked her if she minded if I stopped to take a picture of these seedheads by the side of the road - now although she is a very nice person, she really does not appreciate nor have much interest her surroundings - so she asked me why on earth I wanted to take a picture of an icy weed by the side of the road but no she didn't mind !! When she saw the little picture on my camera she said " Oh I didn't think it would look like that - it is quite nice, isn't it" Nuff said !!! So here it is - my picture of a quite nice icy weed !!

As you will have gathered, we have had an extremely cold night - the temperature now at 14.20 is -2 deg - so no thawing today - the plants will soon be breaking under the weight of the accumulating ice!

Try to keep warm and enjoy the pretty day.

Click on "L" to see more ice on ice

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