Our new street

Here’s a view of our new street. The houses look good, but they are quite a bit smaller than our current home. With the end of the school holiday and also my holiday nearing, there’s not that much time left to get ready for moving. It was especially hard today, seeing the living room getting empty and the stack of moving boxes getting higher. It’s not so much that we don’t want to leave this house: it’s the fact that we’re not really in control of the situation and we have to move to a house we don’t want to move to. We wanted to sell our house years ago, but the fact that it was either going to be reinforced or demolished made it impossible to sell. It’s like someone pushed the pause button on our lives and we just can’t reach the buttons to change that...

I worked in the new house somewhat, unpacking boxes in the working room and moving more stuff from our old house to the new one. Back home, Martine worked hard on sorting and packing. When I returned, I took Ellis’ closet apart and tossed it.

Our friends Aalf and Lineke invited us for dinner. Thank you!

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