Sky Light

With my Christmas holidays dwindling down to a close, we have been trying to fit as much fun as possible into my few remaining days off. The weather was mild, with a chance for some rain or drizzle, when we set off for a pair of hot roast beef dinners at Couch's in McAlevy's Fort, followed by a hike around the lake at Greenwood Furnace State Park. Greenwood Furnace is famous for its role in the production of iron ore from 1834 to 1904.

From the park's website: "The furnaces were hot (3,000 degrees Fahrenheit) and cast clouds of smoke and cinders into the air, which rained down on grass, people, livestock, and buildings; rendering everything sooty and gray. At night, the fire’s red glow lit the sky, probably allowing residents to walk about without lanterns. Greenwood Furnace was a village built around an inferno."

The reconstructed Stack No. 2 may be viewed in the photo above. I love to stand inside the stack and take pictures upward, into what feels like the eye of the sky. The light shining down illuminates the colors and textures of the stones. I can find a hundred and one interesting ways to shoot this stack.

As I mentioned, we also had time to walk around the entire lake, and I stopped at the one edge to take some fun reflection shots of trees on water. You may see one of those abstract shots in the extras. The shapes are jagged, like lightning; it almost looks as though the trees are dancing.

The song to accompany these two images is When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky. First, I'll give you the man who wrote it: Bob Dylan. Next, I'll give you the man who sang it BETTER: the Jeff Healey Band, from the film Road House.

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