
Kalmar Theatre opened in 1863 after twenty years of preparations. It's a large building in the spirit of the time. Kalmar was in a very expansive period with a growing middle class with a need to change the cities image from being a city built for defence to being a  city of the growing industrialisation with houses signalling another kind of power -money. 

At the time when the theatre was built Kalmar had only 8000 citizens and the debate was lively wether Kalmar needed a building of this stature only to use for theatre performance. The architect was Bror Carl Malmberg, who built several theatres around Sweden around this time.

At the moment I work as an audience host, but I've played here myself quite a lot and also worked at a technician for a few years. I love this building. Welcome to Kalmar and I will show you the house.

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