Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Re-arranging the town

We seem to have been a building site for a long time. It all comes to fruition this year, allegedly. Tower blocks, hotels, shopping, green spaces, integrated transport. I have therefore decided that we need to change the name of the town using the existing letters (call it upcycling) and came up with this. The alternative was ”Go Wink’ which felt too confrontational. Plus anything with ‘gin’ in it tends to be popular these days.

There are rumours of downsides. The sewers won’t cope, property prices will go up (or down, depending on who you believe) and of course focusing on retail developments at a time when the high street is having its worst time in decades may seem counter intuitive (or not, again depending on who you believe).

My particular grudge is the station which just can’t handle the volume of passengers. Trying to scan your app purchased ticket when a local youth is  having his collar felt for fare dodging, at the same time as a man with a bicycle is asking when the next train to Hartlepool is - well it all gets very messy when there are only four ticket gates.

My recovery was short lived, I felt crap again today. Went into work then gave up mid afternoon. Better after a sleep. But someone needs to invent a new name for the roller-coaster condition that is more complex than a cold, not as bad as flu, and causes you to feel like a sweaty zombie with a slightly dodgy tummy.  "Distemper Sudor" might cover all the bases but sounds like something out of Harry Potter.

I need to stop rambling. It’s the fever you see. I blame it on the town drains. Or do I mean the down trains ... ?

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