Every bead

When our grandaughter was asked what she wanted for her eighth birthday, she hesitated for a while and then said what she would really like is a visit to Hobbycraft with Grandma. She was obviously remembering a time when we had a visit a while back, as she chose a present for a previous birthday.

So today was the day. She was dropped off at our hotel - it was all a bit complicated as one sister was going to gym club and the other was shopping with her friend.

So . . . we looked at every glue stick, examined every paintbrush, talked about every type of paint/pencil/crayon, explored every craft kit, felt every ball of wool, chose our favourite buttons/beads/ ribbons, watched a guy painting a model car. Then we went for lunch and returned to look at everything we had missed before. Finally, choices were made and purchased. And we left with a big bag.

We returned, made a birthday card for her Mummy with the card-making kit she had chosen and then left her Dad to it.

A delightful day. We are now going out for something to eat and to see ‘Little Women’.

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