Female Bullfinch

I had to go down to the nature reserve today because we go away on holiday tomorrow and as I enjoy the place so much I wanted one last walk there before we go. - I've also been making picture mounts.  I bought the mount cutter and I've been eager to try it but I've been busy the last few days, however I had a go this afternoon.  The first one came out good but in my haste to try it over the photograph I put a small crease in the photo, so it will have to be printed  again. The second one I nicked one of the corners but the third came out well.  I decided to leave it there until I get back but at least now I know I can make my own.

We have an early start tomorrow so it's early to bed this evening, though I'm like a child and I'll find it difficult to sleep tonight.  Many thanks for the super response to yesterday's shot, it's very much appreciated.

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