Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Wriggle room

Actually Strider was sharing a chair with Scout - never an easy thing as he doesn’t give ground - but this photoshop concept amused me. He is an avid reader and follows current affairs closely. The IT guys by contrast are a pretty good symbolic representation of most of the rest of us who live in our own small worlds ...

The world today is as full as politics, about-turns and intrigue as ever as Iran has demonstrated in the last 72 hours. Internationally wriggle room is as important as on the couch. And there are some big arses out there ...

TSM had a great day in London with her sister. I shopped and peeled potatoes and struggled with energy levels. This evening we played kalooki and listened to C.P.E. Bach flute concertos which was very soothing.

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