What Again!

Head ever so slightly tilted as this shortie looked at us with his dominant eye. Not a glare, not ferocious and not even puzzled but just an acceptance that we were there. Maybe, even a little bit quizzical in an amused sort of way though certainly not too bothered! 

Having said that it might be puzzling to some why we were there standing in freezing temperatures on top of the Cotswold Hills all afternoon. I would say it's because primarily we enjoy it. It's a huge challenge and I just love the moment of capture of a rare and migratory bird that may or may not turn up at all. I personally love raptors including owls as their eyes really do it for me however their plumage is gorgeous, their flight is magic to watch and out in the field you are for a short time in their world of hunting and survival. 

Lovely to meet up with JDO , Technophobe , HelenJG and her husband today. My goodness those owls sure faced a battery of lenses! 

My Extra is  2 owls having a contretemps in the field and the second Extra shows why. The smaller owl has a vole and is holding onto it!

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