Climbing Out

Climbing up the bank having crossed a wet ditch I thought he caught the light well. His look to me was one of nonchalance though hiding his subdued glee inside  I would have thought as he positively knew I couldn't cross the water and follow him without getting very wet indeed! 

Early start this morning for my drive up to London and Bushy Park where I arrived well before first light. It was good to be back there and I'd only been out of the car a few minutes when I ran into SueL7 which was lovely, pushing her bike over the frozen ground. 

Having filled an SD card up there I came home, grabbed a sandwich and set off for the owls where I met up with JDO. Gone were the photo ops on the wall of choice for the owls yesterday as we stood there today with zilch happening. We moved positions after much umming and ahing  and would you know it the owls seemed to evaporate into the ether. Am hoping Jill has better shots than I got today there. 

So many from Bushy to go through which will have to wait for another day - preferably a rainy one!

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