My Grandmother’s Clock

It wasn’t my plan, but due to a debilitating bug, I have spent the entire day on the couch watching the hype leading up to some championship football game....the San Francisco 49ers Vs the Green Bay Packers.

The plan was to go see 1917 but all I could muster was three steps to the other side of the room to take a picture of this beautiful
clock which was a wedding present for my grandparents. It was made in Waterford Connecticut in 1878. I all the years it sat on a little desk in my parents’ house there was a Civil War bullet and a $10 gold piece issued in1913, the year my father was born. Nobody seemed to know how they got there (or why) but they were never removed....

The clock has a way of stopping at ten ten o’clock and hasn’t worked in decades except briefly after I found a clock shop in Petaluma. They got it working and it worked fine, chiming the hour and the half hour, as long as it was on the shelf in the shop, but it stopped again as soon as I brought it home. I suspect, because of the mercury filled pendulum, that it probably needs to be repaired in situ so it doesn’t have to be moved.

Does anybody do that anymore?

Clockold clock.

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