TinyTuesday243 The Cake Fairy

I took quite a few photos today with TT243 in mind but wasn't really happy with any of them...and then I remembered my cake fairies, currently not packed away because several require some work in Mr MC's Repair Shop.  The one I could locate seemed ideal to pose with the tulips from at least a week ago and so you have the result here, which will also serve as an entry for Hanulli's  TiPS41.  

I appreciate that I haven't quite managed to go with Kangazu's theme for this week and must admit that I didn't clock it until after I'd chosen my shot.

In other news, Violet spent the day with her Mummy as she is still unwell and a doctor's appointment confirmed an ear infection and the possibility of Hand Foot and Mouth.  We are hoping not as we have a special treat planned for Friday...

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