War Zone

The owl field was a battlefield this afternoon with the shorties having to defend their prey from various other owls, corvids and raptors. Two red kites did a fair bit of harassing of which this is one. It was a grey grim afternoon and the light was poor so difficult really.

My favourite interaction between two shorties end up with a scenario which I've never seen before. A shortie would normally carry a vole to a safe place to eat quietly in the grass however this was evidently  going to be far too risky today so passing a vole from leg to beak to other leg, diving circling, chittering, didn't deter the pursuer so he ended up eating it in mid air. I must have taken at least a hundred shots but these were so distant in the grey mist that they made rubbish shots. However with a  bit of photoshop I've managed to get a few silhouettes out of them in the Extras one of which shows the eating scenario. Just glad he got his meal!

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