The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Ornamental cabbage a planter in Stroud's Kendrick street.

I started some new work today. Walked for what seemed like miles around Stroud with a mother and toddler, introducing them to the area and facilities for children. We wound up having a play in the children's library. The little boy asked me for a hug when I left, which was lovely.

Afterwards I walked around Stroud, realised I had missed the opening hours of the credit union; shopped; went home. Did my homework. I'm doing Text into Film and Writing Short Stories with the WEA at present. Two sets of homework per week. The short story writing is fine, though keeping the length to 500 words is a challenge. Apparently I write something called Prose Poetry. Must find out more about what this actually is. In Text into Film we're reading The English Patient. It is wonderful, can't think why I never read it before.

Tomorrow volunteering; writing class; packing for market. So much for having more free time in January!

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