
Another knitting and Netflix kind of weather day, punctuated with a little sunshine and continued cupboard contents sort, until going to Akmerkez at 18.00 for an hour's bits and bobs shopping before meeting Alison at Midpoint for dinner and catch up - we haven't seen each other for ages. So much to talk about in between beer and salad.

Back home afterwards, I made the mistake at the late hour of picking up my knitting and Netflix, and suddenly, it's not only 02.20, but I haven't got a suitable photo for the day either. Eek!  Appalled, but not so appalled that I didn't finish my row first, I picked up my phone and photographed the first and nearest thing I saw - bed and drink waiting for me, which in its own way, is a good narrative shot for my day - I tend to be a bit of a night owl when I'm knitting and on holiday. I suppose you could argue that 02.25, it really should be tomorrow's photo - but I consider that until I go to bed, it's still today !!  It's still today somewhere, including Essex, so that's ok, even if I'm not there right now.... 

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