
I dropped my Canon 100-400mm MkII lens on the kitchen floor in August 2019 causing very severe damage. I thought my insurance company would replace it but they decided to get it repaired. When I got it back after repair it wasn't operating correctly. The auto-focus was slow, noisy and hit or miss. I rejected it. Many phone calls, letters and emails later I collected the the lens yesterday. It has been worked on by Canon engineers for a second time.

I took it to Fishers Green this morning for some test shots. Fingers crossed it seems to be operating as it should. A drake smew has been seen on Seventy Acres lake recently. Ollie dog and I didn't spot that but I got a shot of a redhead smew. This is what the females and juveniles are known as. Smews are small diving ducks which visit the UK in winter.

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