creative lenna

By creativelenna

inch by inch it's a cinch . . .

Bill the Carpenter was here today with his helper Ted and they made magnificent progress on our pergola. They got some of the cross beams up and plumbed the posts that were put in before the pavers were laid. That is why you see the angled support beams there - holding the posts plumb until all the beams and cross beams are in place. Maybe now you can more easily imagine muscadine grapes growing up the posts and over the top. I think it is looking so great already!

The interesting plant closest to you as you is a Pitch Apple or an Autograph tree. "The name "Autograph" Tree comes from the persistence of the leaves. You can scratch your initials and those of your sweetie onto them, and that vandalism may linger longer than your beloved. The species is a player in landscaping. It is attractive as well as rugged and forgiving, easy to grow."

All of our plants were chosen by our garden designer and my friend, Ann Hall. Ann is a Florida native and so smart at choosing the right plants for us. Some of the plants she described to us and some she shared photos of . . . by speaking with Steven and me she knew the look we wanted and what our tastes were like. But for some things, I simply trusted her judgement. I saw this plant on her plans, but I did not even know what a pitch apple was! I thought to myself, well, Ann will know what to plant. Time and time again I have found out that the plants she has chosen for us are hearty, drought resistant, native to Florida or Florida friendly! I could not be happier and am enjoying discovering all that she has planned for us.

I imagine Bill and perhaps Ted will be back on Monday. All of the things we need them to do will take about a week or two. Hopefully the boat lift will be put in during the next week or two and more planting will be done on Wednesday. We have an Orange Tree, a Royal Poinciana Tree, the grape vines, Honeysuckle vines, the blueberries need to be planted . . . Inch by inch everything is falling into place and I like it already! I am hoping it is mostly done by the time my two grown-up sons and their wife/finance' arrive February 2nd!

This is a long post and you've seen many photos on this project, it marches on -- and I am not finished with it yet!! I totally understand if you don't leave a comment : ) no offense taken.

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