Pomato? Totato?

I was a little bemused this morning when I happened upon what looked like a teeny, weeny green tomato growing on one of my potato plants.

I took a photo with my phone and emailed it straight away to UW for identification. After all, rogue Pomato/Totato plants are not what you want in your garden!

She emailed me right back assuring me that it was, in fact, the fruit of the potato plant (I didn't even know they had them!) and that it meant that my potatoes were ready for digging. She suggested that I remove the 'totato' as it would drain the tubers otherwise.

I dug my potatoes (they're in a bucket, so it was more a case of emptying the bucket and foraging through the dirt) and found two potatoes. Am hoping the other plants do a better job or we'll go hungry this winter!

Off to Mass in a minute. It's another beautiful day and I've been happily pottering in the garden. My bedroom still needs tidying, but at least I've emptied my case from my trip away. The line is full of washing (four loads) and all is well in the Barking household.

Going to take the ever-patient Cousteau for a wee stroll in the park before Mass.


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