Journey Through Time

By Sue

No Birds

How about this lovely view of Mt. Hood instead. Lots of fog at our house, but once I crossed over the 205 Bridge to get auntie, the sun broke out and it was just gorgeous in our part of the city. Other places stayed in the fog all day long. It was also down below freezing last night, so there were frosty areas too. I have blipped this exact same view before as there is a business with a parking lot overlooking this slough and the view of Mt. Hood, so I swung in there to take advantage of the sun and view of the mountain. Then on to aunties and some errands. We ended up having lunch and then came over to my house. Our lunch was late, so we are passing on the home made tacos that Bill is having.

Oh, and that Promethius movie? Well, it was very pretty looking. You could tell somebody spent money making it look good. But the story was incomplete. Turns out it was re-written and then stuff was cut out and that is why Guy Pearce, who is 40 something played an old man in full old man makeup, but never once appeared as a younger man. Something was left on the cutting room floor, so it was a bit odd and left one wanting a lot more from the film. In case anyone is interested...

And there you go...Saturday in the fast lane. Whoo hoo.

Hope all is well...Catch ya later.

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