Nothing much to say today.  Had some bad coughing fits (normal for me after a cold) so didn't much feel like going out and getting embarrassed coughing with eyes streaming etc.  So had a quiet morning in.

Now catching up on some verification needed for the Family Trees I'm working on (4 of them from both sides of both parents).  It is interesting and I've gone back to about 1650, which is amazing.  Just hard working people from agricultural labourers really with a few that went up the ranks.  Some interesting and very sad stories around both wars, particularly the First.  I just now need to go and through verify what I can of what I have found and maybe do something with it.  Have discovered that my paternal Grandmother worked at Downton Abbey (well Highclere where is was film) just a kitchen maid I believe.  No surprising hidden fortunes anywhere!!  I am proud  and glad that my heritage are from hardworking folk who all did their very best under extraordinary circumstances sometimes.

Maternal Side = Parnell and Scoggins (Scogings etc)
Paternal Side  = Puffett and Phelps

The Magnolia bud is from our little tree in the front garden and buds are forming nicely as you can see.

Thank you for dropping by, take care and see you all tomorrow.

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