Remotivation cont.....

By Federico

Enter sandman !!!!!

Well, still decorating with the hint of renovating in there as well, so far one bedroom, upstairs hall, stairway and landing, and living room stripped back to bare plaster ready for the contractors coming to inspect and repair the existing damage and blown walls :s fingers crossed they won't be too long.......

Found an interesting scribbling on the lower hallway wall which dates 3/11/97 so we have a little evidence of how long back some of the replastering was done but heyho it's soon going to be given a remodernisation and kicked into the current times :)

Quick blip of the hardest worker of the project, awesome piece of equipment that's been a real time saver,

Might have to name the house "Wickes" when we're done, it'll have their name on it :p

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