Oil and Water

There is absolutely no connection between the photos in my blip other than they join up of the two parts of my day.

Since this was designated World Cancer Day, I took my banana loaf of yesterday down to the Maggie’s Centre where they had an open house for droppers in. I didn’t stay long enough to find out whether or not the cake had a soggy bottom as I had a list of things needing done in town, one of which was to donate to Cancer Research and get this wrist band.

I had everything completed before meeting my Rabbit Hole friend for a splendid lunch and chat.
I feel that given time, I might be able to initiate some interest in installation art with oil and soy sauce. It would have been rude to my table companion to profess too much interest in achieving a spectacularly artistic blip, but you get the drift of the possibilities. Perfect spheres of soy sauce- isn’t science amazing!

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