Another atmospheric river

Today's weather was pretty much a replay of yesterday's, so much so that there are now flood watches and warnings all over the county, cautions about falling trees due to the drenching the ground has sustained, and fears of landslides.  And another storm system is about to be upon us.

During a bit of a break in the rain (it was only raining lightly) I drove up to PetCo to pick up the cat supplies I'd bought, and then stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home.  It was good to get out of the wet.

I've been watching a new season of Landscape Artist of the Year and just loving it.  I can't grasp what it is that makes folks able to conceptualize a painting in their mind and then work at it over time, changing it as they go.  That kind of focus and self-confidence is alien to me, although I see it in Lex.   I am so envious.

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