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Probably rule No 1 for driving in Germany, right before left. It's not even possible to practice this sitting on the couch at home in the UK and if I am honest it takes many years of real-life exposure before it becomes ingrained.

Thankfully, as Nigel can confirm, the rule was abandoned for one case, German roundabouts which had meant, in some cases, stopping in the middle of the circle to let people in. The rule applies even on carparks.

In ordinary major town and country roads it isn't an issue but on residential streets very important as there are no road markings at crossings to indicate who has right of way.

And so it was on this evening's wonderful sunny walk where a jogger, a horse rider with a pony on line and myself with Luna all from different directions met at a 4-way junction. Seriously we all stopped & briefly discussed who went first. The two of us on foot decided the horses should, probably simple self-protection. 

Quite a few people out having a walk despite having had snow in the morning and it was already around 0°C at this time due to drop to -6°C tonight. Plus side, we get a sun overdose. Due to hold for a few days.

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