Rainbow Warrior

Two days running looking at Art - this time Paula Rego; well I wasn’t going to go alone and pay £11 when the SK had a “friends + one” pass. And it was sufficiently thought provoking for us to blether all the way to Port Edgar where I picked up some slightly heavier duty cutting compound and wax. 
We’d organised a call in to see the daughter who had invited us for cake some days back. I’ve no cake, she texted. We bought cake. The s-i-l broke radio silence with an unhappy emoji face. So, being the best paw-in-law in the world, we stopped off and dropped the cake into his work. So, obvs, another cake had to then be procured and off we went to see the daughter and her startling new nursery wallpaper. 
Later, after a hard cycle to the Diggers to see some of the Friday crew (27 minutes to get there on MrB - I used to do it in 20 on the big bike) it was back to watch some of these Oscar nominated shorts on Curzon. Some stunning stuff - A Sister showing what tension you can create with a simple idea if you make it real. Yup.

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