
By Livingandloving

Colored Ice Orb

Earlier this week, my girl and I tried to make some colored ice orbs and while it was a good idea in had some kinks that needed to be worked out. To make them, we put drops of food coloring into some balloons....filled them water and tied them off. We then put them outside in the freezing weather. The next morning them were mostly frozen, but we had to put them in the freezer during the day while we were away at work and school. We were pretty excited to break the balloons open. Let me tell need protective gloves for this....the food coloring was really concentrated on the outside of each orb. MESSY! Then...I dropped one almost right off the bat and it broke. grrr....... I nabbed a quick shot of them which you can see HERE. Then they went back into the freezer until today.

I took them outside and tried to get some cool shots of them. I really didn't find much success. I had to wear protective gloves....and once I put them in the grass....the grass froze to them....and dirt froze to them.....and so on. It really wasn't as easy as I had hoped. This is my favorite shot of the outing. Oddly enough, this one was the green turned a turquoise color in the freezer.

Today was a rather pleasant day. We tidied up a bit (always needed), and played some games.....baked muffins.....and watched a movie...or two.

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