Same same but different

was a slogan often seen printed on tee shirts when we first arrived in Thailand, a slogan I adopted for the title of a folder of images. Another folder was 'Lost in Translation' but I'll save that one for another silly Saturday. Back to this image. Hubby was going off playing golf with his mates for a few days so I caught the train down to Phattalung, then headed for Thale Noi Waterbird Sanctuary. The accommodation in the national park is pretty basic but it sits out over Songkhla lake. I'd been  before, the first time with Thai friends, then  a couple of years later brought a friend visiting from Devon down for 3 days. Lots to explore. After a trip out on the lake I mooched around the village, that's when I came across a family cleaning and preparing their morning catch for drying in the sun. I obviously took numerous photos, which are stored on my external hard drive that I'm currently sorting. Fast forward to here, now in CK where the nonslip shower mat looks very similar. Hence the 'Same same but different'. I took the fish images in mono but the mat is this shade of blue so gave the fish the same treatment. Not sure if it qualifies as silly though.
It was a toss up between the above image and the various placements of newspapers catching drips both inside the kitchen and in the lean-to. . Got absolutely drenched out with Lola, AND Bob, he was rather reluctant to leave his comfy snuggley position on the sofa, but I won, he went with us. I'd already nipped out to the car with my bag of foodstuff, so no carrots today, we had to break up some biscuits. He stopped dead on several occasions, but I'm not planning on walking too far this afternoon, so we sallied forth under duress with the promise of "biscuit Bob!" "biscuit Bob!". Lola found a piece of 2"x2" x 3' timber, which she expected me to throw. I was worried it was going to clonk her on the head ...... imagine that. I've already got to tell them about the whirlygig line snapping & the damaged vase.  Back now, dogs dried off as much as possible, bedding stripped, & laundered. I Dysoned :-)) & polished everywhere, then cleaned the bathroom. My waterproofs just about qualifying as waterproof, are currently dripping away in the lean-to, certainly won't be dry for another outing today. Did come across a piece of an old newspaper that was destined for soaking up drips titled The Off-Grid Island. "Tiny Astypalea is an arid beauty that has dodged tourism" says Amanda Dardanis. I saved that piece for my perusal.

Just waiting for a break in the weather .. ha ha ha!!!! to load up a couple more bags.

Sent a message to P&J suggesting they keep their pacamacs handy. It will be slightly different here to the weather they've left behind in Mexico. Well it looks like their flight arrived at 8.24am but I've not heard from them yet ..........

Might just brave the lashing rain and load up the remainder of my stuff.

An early blip for a soggy Silly Saturday

Thanks to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday

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