RED AND YELLOW AND ........................ and green etc.

Not really rainbow colours I'm afraid but lovely bright colours nonetheless. When I began to feel a bit better I had a little play with the macro lens.  Still can't get the whole thing sharp, but it's not looking too bad I think.  I decided it looked better with the flash so used it for a change.  Hope you like it.

Didn't feel well this morning.  Started getting ready to go to Tai Chi but felt decidedly iffy so, very sadly for me, I decided to stay home.  I felt a bit sort of jangled too - don't know why, just one of those things I guess.  I'm beginning to feel better now, so maybe just lack of sleep.

Boy did it blow a hooley out there last night.  Nothing major for us but it was very loud.  My heart continues to go out to all those affected by Storm Dennis - just devastating.  Feeling helpless really too.

Not much else to say.  Hubby had his eyes tested today and will soon be getting new specs.  Mine are due to be checked in August I think.  

G will be down tomorrow for an extended visit.

Take care, everyone.  Please stay safe wherever you are.

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