................... No not literally, with the aid of books, photos and family history.  Sadly I can[t visit for a while but one day maybe, then I can visit cousins etc.

My Mum found two books that Dad had bought.  He met the author of these books, a Miss Pinnell, who was a school teacher.  Dad was really interested in meeting her because he went to school in Sapperton for a short while, but his mother was born there at Manor Farm.  

My family were agricultural labourers not landowners so there's would have been humble cottages at best, but these days even they fetch an absolute fortune.

Sapperton and it's neighbouring village Frampton Mansell are always links and it's a bit like the UK TV series Lark Rise to Candleford.  My family, I am proud to say, were from the Lark Rise side.

They are interesting books and I've taken a couple of extracts from them to show what the village was like all those years ago.  My Grandmother was born in 1903.

I will have to find Dad's old photos of The Cotswolds regions.  I don't think Manor Farm itself exists any more but some of the buildings do are now rather expensive. 

Sapperton is in the non-commercialised area of The Cotswolds, and for me the nicest part as you get a sense of them being working places, as they were.

Enough rambling for today.  Thank you so much for your  lovely comments about my walk yesterday and continuing to drop by.  I love your comments and look  forward now to reading yours.

Take care and stay safe.

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