It’s typical of me that I take a shot for the challenge of the day and then I look to see what the subject is -   impetuous, I think I would be called.

Anyway, that’s how I am and most of my friends (including my lovely friend, mindful_life, who has set this month’s Tiny Tuesday challenge) know me and, I hope, love me, even though I sometimes do mad and impetuous things - but I think I would rather be like that than doing nothing and bemoaning the fact that I haven’t got a job and not a great income etc - because after all, money can’t buy happiness and it certainly can’t buy kindness.

We have seen it in the media in the last few days since another person took her own life after media coverage proved too much for her to bear. 

I am still constantly amazed at how much these little hearts that I give out day by day have such an effect on people.  As I say, of themselves, they are nothing, but when I give them out, I put the heart into someone’s palm, close their hand over it and just say, “That’s to bless you!”  When the person opens their hand, no-one has ever said they didn’t want it and many have said that what was written on there was just what they needed that day.  So I will continue to give them out to bless people.

In fact, even today, a friend sent me this text, which was lovely, “Just so you know - your little hearts pop up when needed.  I had a bit of a meltdown this morning- I do my best never to succumb to stress - it goes against the grain - but today it just overtook me. I found a heart that said ‘He cares’ - so thank you.”
You may never know how much your act of kindness has blessed another person. 
I had already picked this tiny daisy, that has flowered through the recent storms and will delight me on my windowsill for a few days now, along with the cherry blossom, which is looking beautiful.  

“Remember there’s no such thing as 
     a small act of kindness;
          every act creates a ripple 
               with no logical end.” 
Scott Adams

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