The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

50 shades

The view home to Arnside and the viaduct from Sandside this afternoon as we were on our way home from Wifie's Tuesday Qi Gong class. I haven't put this into monochrome, this is how it looked, there's just the merest hint of blue in the sky.  The greys do bring out the ripples and textures of the water and mudflats. There was a time when there was always a tame gull on the wing to add a little life interest to a coastal landscape photo, but lately they've deserted me.  There was a great black-backed gull on the mud when we stopped, but it flew when it saw me.

The wind has abated slightly, though when we arrived at the hall we were caught by a heavy shower of rain and hail. The morning had started reasonably brightly, and I did manage some time on the allotment. It looks like the slugs have done for my purple sprouting broccoli this year, some compensation was a good crop of purple Brussels sprouts.  It looks like another grim day tomorrow, which is good news for my learning project for the year, not so good for Gus walks and blipping.

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