
Our neighbour gave us one Zucchini plant. It has cropped well. They have wonderful flowers I think.

When European explorers came to the America's squash (Zucchini) was one of the 3 major foods the native Indians used, along with beans and corn. They had never seen them before so they thought they were melons. Squash seeds have been found in Archeological digs in Mexico, that date back to between 9000 and 4000 B.C.

Zucchini were developed in Italy in the 19th century near Milan. Their name comes from a plural diminutive word for an Italian word for squash - “Zucca”. Its other name - “Courgette” comes from the French word for this vegetable.

I had Acupuncture in the morning and he treated me for my headaches. I am feeling OK now. Hopefully it will last!

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