
By Ferjen

Cleaning all day

I took the girls to Tina's for 9 and then scrubbed the house from top to bottom while listening to Keane and The Fray, old favourites of mine. Everywhere was absolutely filthy as I never really got it back up to a decent standard since the heating and electric work was done and it needed a proper deep clean. I didn't stop until I collected the girls at 2:30 and it still wasn't finished.

B had been told off for not listening at Tina's and she wasn't in a good mood on the way to swimming. She was shouting in the car and I told her off which lead to her sobbing, then suddenly it was quiet and I thought she had calmed herself down - actually she had fallen asleep. She must have been so tired (perhaps explains why she was playing up). She stayed fast asleep as I carried her into the leisure centre, she stayed asleep on the bench in the changing cubicle while I got I ready to go in, and she carried on her nap on the tiled ledge where we stand to watch! Poor thing and all I had for a pillow was a thin towel!

Unfortunately as a result of this late nap, John is now upstairs with her still trying to get her to sleep now at 20:30... He did bedtime while I went to weigh in. I gained a pound which is a bit annoying but I haven't been tracking syns this week so probably have gone over some days.

Nice day, clean house and Pickle happily snoring on the sofa next to me :)

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