Cookie Lady

She and her husband bring their own dog to the DogPark almost daily. Their dog is a hound and spends her time racing around, following good smells and baying at the top of her doggie lungs. Cookie Lady has developed a very close 'relationship' with Fletcher. She rewards his rapt attention and good manners with what must be the tastiest dog treats on the planet. Upon entering the DogPark gate, Fletcher spots his Cookie Lady and immediately runs to her and sits very politely in front of her and she, of course, rewards him with a cookie. When she is ready to go home, Fletcher walks her very sweetly to the gate, where he, yes you guessed it, gets one more treat. Our human friends at the Park enjoy this display of loyalty which plays out each day. I've taken some sweet video of his whole routine and of course many photos. Their special friendship warms my heart! :)
In the * of Fletcher's canine friends, Nopey.

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