
By Hillyblips


I took the dogs out down by the river for what cannot be described as a walk on their part, more a roll in all the snow which Tilly just couldn't get enough of. Her legs became massive snowballs and her face was just covered in lots of snow sticking on in clumps with her little black nose peeking out! She really didn't get at all that it was slippy and you couldn't do a uey without going a purler!! My own little snow bears!

There are numerous birds on the Severn river but I've never seen a mandarin duck here before. Startling to see here really! It was swimming with the mallards and when I threw in some food for them it came up close so I think it may have escaped from somewhere. The dogs were pretty good on the water's edge, occasionally chasing them back in the water but good fun had by all!

Can an escapee count in the list as it really shouldn't be here - but it is!!

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