Friday Foto

By drmackem


The miseducation of…..
A Photo
A companion piece to This window taken whilst in the city.

A Muse and A Tune
Being reminded of Paul Simon earlier this week whilst Slip Slidin'away and listening to Graceland, and remembering what an amazing album this is and thinking about Africa with eldest B there and other stuff bumping around in my head and my heart today I was settling on Under African Skies and then I relistened to the eponymous track Graceland.
Controversial in that this collaboration was at a time where many were boycotting South Africa, it nevertheless brought some of african music of  to the West. A reminder too in the concept of the album that we all originate from Africa, and this is where the roots of music and rhythm come from and remain. Getting me thinking that I’d like to revisit someday.
So take some West African pedal steel, Bakithi Kumalo on fretless base, one of the great driving drum/percussion lines, throw in some Nashville guitar, some Everley Brothers harmonies and a reflective trip to Elvis’s house, and you get an enduring, reflective road trip piece, pure Paul Simon collaborative brilliance. 

Graceland by Paul Simon

I'm going to Graceland
For reasons I cannot explain
There's some part of me wants to see
And I may be obliged to defend
Every love, every ending
Or maybe there's no obligations now
Maybe I've a reason to believe
We all will be received
In Graceland

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