
By Ferjen

St Peter's

We walked to pre-school in the snow/sleet. There was never a chance it would settle as the ground is very wet but the girls were still excited. That and all the puddles to splash in.

The photo is the local church where we walk through the graveyard path on the way to pre-school. There are lots of crocus on the other side but they are badly wind battered but the daffodils are standing strong and giving us a glimpse of spring being on its way (horray!).

While I was at work the gardener finished the fencing, complete with a hedgehog hole in the gravel board. They look really good and sturdy. He did a really good job and was very reasonable. I might get him back to help with the garden if budget allows.

I did Body Pump class again tonight. It was hard today. I think I must be more tired than last week, but glad I went. A cup of tea and a little snack now and then to bed.

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