Storm Jorge

So we batten down the hatches once again for the fourth storm in four weekends!  This time named by the Spanish Meteorological Office, Storm Jorge should arrive during the night and the poor folks in the Ironbridge Gorge will be faced with possibly moor flooding.....

I've only been out to spend a couple of very pleasant hours at the Tittle Tattle coffee morning.  Since then I've been preparing the equipment for parkrun in the morning.  I'm hoping it will take place after the heavy rain and before the arrival of the gales (!) but we will have to go down to the park early to do an assessment.  As the weather came in, I decided to put some time in to 'Carlyle Adventures 2019' and I've managed to get as far as Becky and Rob's holiday in Oregon prior to the arrival of Baby Euan.  I may get it finished today and then it will wait for a special offer!

There has just been a lull in the rain so I've taken the bin down, filled up the bird feeders and washed the mud off my overtrousers and walking boots.  Whilst I was out in the sodden garden, I blipped this primula bravely showing its face on the rockery.  Now it's back in front of the fire..

Tony has just read me an article about a Seattle businessman who, concerned about the health and well-being of his staff, calculated that he could afford to increase their pay to £70 000 and he took the same salary (although previously he had earned millions).  The difference made was quite astounding.  Health improved; more babies were born; employees could afford to buy their houses; employees did not need second jobs to meet their expenses; employees were able to pay off family debts and, at the same time, productivity unsurprisingly improved.  Apparently the businessman is occasionally tempted by the greed of appearing in the Forbes list , but he gets over it because he is a happier person.  We could do with more like him.....

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