Chinese Year of the Dog

This painted utility box is one of a series Paul Walsh identifies as the Chorus Project. Chorus is the subsidiary of Telecom which is responsible for maintaining the wires used by Telecom and other Telcos. He has painted a considerable number of these in Auckland and elsewhere.

I believe I posted a quick photo of this as an extra a couple of years or so back. However, the busyness at work, and taking S to her book club (bad migraine all day made driving herself too much) meant I had no significant time to spare with a camera other than on my way back home after dropping her off..

Paul Walsh and I are still waiting to hear whether funding will be allocated to pay him to decorate the bare concrete walls of the outside area of our intensive care ward. Currently it looks and feels like a prison exercise yard, although one mural already there, and the recent acquisition of a basketball hoop both soften that impression a little.

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