
A frustrating start to the day trying to buy tickets for Genesis in Leeds later this year. Web site was so busy there was a queue - and ultimately the tickets sold out in a few minutes. There were some VIP ones available at £750 - no thank you. Equally frustrating to see ‘second hand’ tickets on sale just a few minutes later at over £1000.  Presumably these were bought, not by fans, but profiteers looking to cash in, depriving those who wanted to see the band.

Finally got around to fitting my dash cam in my ‘new’ car (6 months I have had it) - only to find that the cable to the rear camera is broken. Nearly £40 they want for a replacement..of course it is not a generic connector.
Couple of walks - one with Finlay. Spotted this little primrose flowering next the path. Not even a very good photo as I had forgotten to pick up my specs on the way out!

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